Apache Shiro Vulnerability RCE CVE-2016-4437 - not detected by Qualys and Tenable

Vulnerability-scanning and management is one of the most important topics in IT-security and unfortunately most companies forget or even dont know about it. Recently the US agency CISA published a list of 292 known exploited critical vulnerabilities and a binding operational directive 22-01, which forces US institutions to patch/fix/mitigate the vulnerabilites of the list within 15 or 30 days.

However the vulnerability-scanner-vendors Qualys and Tenable both do not detect the critical rce vulnerability CVE-2016-4437 in apache shiro, or at least not yet:

Both vendors have been contacted, maybe they'll add the signature for the critical vulnerability.

Qualys also has published a dashboard for the binding operational directive 22-01: https://blog.qualys.com/vulnerabilities-threat-research/2021/11/08/qualys-response-to-cisa-alert-binding-operational-directive-22-01

Offtopic PS: I'm a bit excited that a CVE is on the list or CISA, which I reported :-)

Windows VMs have issues resolving DNS names, run into network timeouts or packet loss


Windows VMs (VMware vSphere) have issues when trying to resolve DNS names and run into network timeouts or packet loss on other protocols, too.

For example running a simple PowerShell script shows the issue (Change *YourFQDN* to your FQDN and '*DNS-Server-IP*' to your DNS server ip-address) :

1..1000 | Foreach-Object -Process {
        Try         = $_
        ElapsedTime = (Measure-Command -Expression {
                Resolve-DnsName -DnsOnly -QuickTimeout -NoHostsFile -Name '*YourFQDN*' -Server '*DNS-Server-IP*'
            }).TotalMilliseconds -as [int]
} |
    Group-Object -Property 'ElapsedTime' |
    Sort-Object -Property ‚Count'

PowerShell DNS query test script

From 1000 DNS-queries 541x were answered within 2ms
From 1000 DNS-queries 243x were answered within 1ms
From 1000 DNS-queries 57x were answered within 3ms
From 153 DNS-queries were not answered, timeout >1000ms

Debug-Logs of vnetWFP show the event „DEBUG: ALEInspectInjectComplete : Packet injection status is : c000021b”.


Update your VMware Tools 11.x with Guest Introspection Driver to version 11.2.6 and reboot your VM or uninstall the Guest Introspection Driver. We first suspected it is VMware NSX-T or VMware Carbon Black EDR, but it was not. It was the NSX Guest Introspection Driver.

Root Cause: Packet drop is seen due to intermittent failure reported by the Microsoft WFP packet injection API.


After the update or removal of the driver the issues were gone:

PowerShell DNS query test script after vmware tools update

From 1000 DNS-queries 985x were answered within 1ms
From 1000 DNS-queries 10x were answered within 2ms
From 1000 DNS-queries 3x were answered within 3ms
From 1000 DNS-queries 1x was answered within 4ms
From 1000 DNS-queries 1x was answered within 35ms
From 1000 DNS-queries 0x timed out.

Update Nextron Aurora lite EDR Agent

To manually update Nextrons Aurora Lite EDR agent, follow the steps: https://aurora-agent-manual.nextron-systems.com/en/latest/usage/upgrade...