Original Dataset:
select domain, string_agg(distinct catdesc, ', ') as agg_catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select hostname as domain, catdesc, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=52) and hostname is not null and catdesc is not null and action!='blocked' group by domain, catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by domain order by requests descChanged Dataset:
select domain, string_agg(distinct catdesc, ', ') as agg_catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###( select coalesce (nullifna (root_domain (hostname)), ipstr(dstip)) as domain, catdesc, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=52) and hostname is not null and catdesc is not null and action!='blocked' group by domain, catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by domain order by requests descDataset change:
select hostname as domain->
select coalesce (nullifna (root_domain(hostname)), ipstr(dstip)) as domain
Result screenshots:
Before adjusting the dataset:
After adjusting the dataset: