Linux show all cronjobs of all users

How to Linux show all cronjobs of all users (not ldap or nis users): Use the following command as root:
for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done


linuxhost001:~ # for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done
no crontab for bin
no crontab for daemon
no crontab for ftp
no crontab for lp
no crontab for mail
no crontab for man
no crontab for messagebus
no crontab for news
no crontab for nobody
no crontab for nscd
no crontab for openslp
no crontab for polkitd
no crontab for postfix
no crontab for root
no crontab for rpc
no crontab for sshd
no crontab for statd
no crontab for systemd-bus-proxy
no crontab for systemd-timesync
no crontab for uucp
no crontab for wwwrun
no crontab for ntp
no crontab for nagios
no crontab for radiusd 

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