eBPF will change a lot like JavaScript did - Netflix example

Netflix released an article about how they use eBPF in order to track and analyze network application traffic without having issues with ressources as well as without having to load extra kernel modules, which almost always break, when the next kernel update is installed. 

In my opinion eBPF will change a lot like JavaScript did, not only network analysis, but also for security products (like advanced endpoint protection, antivirus, forensic tools, etc), for interface extensions, monitoring systems and so on.

Netflix article about how they use eBPF: https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-uses-ebpf-flow-logs-at-scale-for-network-insight-e3ea997dca96?gi=669388aa6aa6 

Apache2 wont start due to missing dhparam.pem

If your apache2 on linux system (in this case ubuntu 20) does not start due to "'dhparam.pem' does not exist or is empty", because you might have changed your letencrypt certbot from http to dns in order to get a wildcard certificate, then the error might look like this:


user@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# systemctl status apache2.service
● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2021-06-01 21:51:33 CET; 13s ago
       Docs: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/
    Process: 542668 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/apachectl start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server...
Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* apachectl[542686]: AH00526: Syntax error on line 70 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*yourdomain.tld*.conf:
Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* apachectl[542686]: SSLOpenSSLConfCmd: file '/etc/letsencrypt/live/*yourdomain.tld*/dhparam.pem' does not exist or is empty
Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* apachectl[542668]: Action 'start' failed.
Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* apachectl[542668]: The Apache error log may have more information.
Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* systemd[1]: apache2.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 01 21:51:33 *yourdomain.tld* systemd[1]: Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server.


To solve this issue, you have to create the missing dhparam.pem file. This is used as a Diffie-Hellman group, which is used in negotiating Perfect Forward Secrecy with clients.

sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/letsencrypt/live/*yourdomain.tld*/dhparam.pem 2048


user@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*yourdomain.tld*
/dhparam.pem 2048
Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit long safe prime, generator 2
This is going to take a long time

Splunk PowerShell SIEM use cases from splunk .conf

Ryan Kovar and Steve Brant from Splunk released on Splunk .conf 2016 a bunch of useful PowerShell SIEM use cases: https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/hunting-the-known-unknowns-the-powershell-edition.pdf

Finding Un-­encoded IEX Acivity  

Splunk search: sourcetype="WinEventLog:Security" Process_Command_Line=* | evalProcess_Command_Line=lower(Process_Command_Line) | search Process_Command_Line="*iex (new-­‐object net.webclient).downloadstring(*" | stats VALUES(Process_Command_Line) BY host

Screenshot Page 70 from https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/hunting-the-known-unknowns-the-powershell-edition.pdf

Source: Page 69 and 70 from https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/hunting-the-known-unknowns-the-powershell-edition.pdf

New Process Started (EventCode 4688)

Splunk search: index=windows source="WinEventLog:Security" (EventCode=4688) NOT (Account_Name=*$) (at.exe OR bcdedit.exe OR chcp.exe OR cmd.exe OR cscript.exe OR ipconfig.exe OR mimikatz.exe OR nbtstat.exe OR nc.exe OR netcat.exe OR netstat.exe OR nmap OR nslookup.exe OR bcp.exe OR sqlcmd.exe OR OSQL.exe OR ping.exe OR powershell.exe OR powercat.ps1 OR psexec.exe OR psexecsvc.exe OR psLoggedOn.exe OR procdump.exe OR rar.exeOR reg.exe OR route.exe OR runas.exe OR sc.exe OR schtasks.exe OR sethc.exe OR ssh.exe OR sysprep.exe OR systeminfo.exe OR system32\\net.exe OR tracert.exe OR vssadmin.exe OR whoami.exe OR winrar.exe OR wscript.exe OR winrm.* OR winrs.* OR wmic.exe OR wsmprovhost.exe) | evalMessage=split(Message,".") | evalShort_Message=mvindex(Message,0) | table _Ome, host, Account_Name, Process_Name, Process_ID, Process_Command_Line, New_Process_Name, New_Process_ID, Creator_Process_ID, Short_Message

Page 83 from https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/hunting-the-known-unknowns-the-powershell-edition.pdf

Source: Page 82 and 83 from https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/hunting-the-known-unknowns-the-powershell-edition.pdf

Finding Modules (EventCode 4103 or 4104)  

Splunk search: sourcetype="WinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational" (EventCode=4104) OR (EventCode=4103)(Set-ExecutionPolicyOR Set-MasterBootRecordl OR Get-WMIObject OR Get-GPPPassword OR Get-Keystrokes OR Get-TimedScreenshot OR Get-VaultCredential OR GetServiceUnquoted OR Get-ServiceEXEPerms OR Get-ServicePerms OR Get-RegAlwaysInstallElevated OR Get-RegAutoLogon OR Get-UnattendedInstallFiles OR Get-Webconfig OR Get-ApplicationHost OR Get-PassHashes OR Get-LsaSecret OR GetInformation OR Get-PSADForestInfo OR Get-KerberosPolicy OR Get-PSADForestKRBTGTInfo OR Get-PSADForestInfo OR GetKerberosPolicy OR Invoke-Command OR Invoke-Expression OR iex OR Invoke-Shellcode OR Invoke--Shellcode OR Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL OR InvokeMimikatzWDigestDowngrade OR Invoke-NinjaCopy OR Invoke-CredentialInjection OR Invoke-TokenManipulation OR InvokeCallbackIEX OR Invoke-PSInject OR Invoke-DllEncode OR Invoke-ServiceUserAdd OR Invoke-ServiceCMDOR Invoke-ServiceStart OR Invoke-ServiceStop OR Invoke-ServiceEnable OR Invoke-ServiceDisable OR Invoke-FindDLLHijack OR Invoke-FindPathHijack OR Invoke-AllChecks OR Invoke-MassCommand OR Invoke-MassMimikatz OR Invoke-MassSearch OR Invoke-MassTemplate OR Invoke-MassTokens OR Invoke-ADSBackdoor OR Invoke-CredentialsPhish OR Invoke-BruteForce OR Invoke-PowerShellIcmp OR Invoke-PowerShellUdp OR Invoke-PsGcatAgent OR Invoke-PoshRatHttps OR Invoke-PowerShellTcp OR Invoke-PoshRatHttp OR Invoke-PowerShellWmi OR Invoke-PSGcat OR Invoke-Encode OR Invoke-Decode OR Invoke-CreateCertificate OR InvokeNetworkRelay OR EncodedCommand OR New-ElevatedPersistenceOption OR wsman OR Enter-PSSession OR DownloadString OR DownloadFile OR Out-Word OR Out-Excel OR Out-Java OR Out-Shortcut OR Out-CHM OR Out-HTA OR Out-Minidump OR HTTP-Backdoor OR FindAVSignature OR DllInjection OR ReflectivePEInjection OR Base64 OR System.Reflection OR System.Management OR Restore-ServiceEXE OR Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor OR Gupt-Backdoor OR Execute-OnTime OR DNS_TXT_Pwnage OR WriteUserAddServiceBinary OR Write-CMDServiceBinary OR Write-UserAddMSI OR Write-ServiceEXE OR Write-ServiceEXECMD OR Enable-DuplicateToken  OR Remove-Update OR Execute-DNSTXT-Code OR Download-Execute-PS OR Execute-CommandMSSQL OR Download_Execute OR Copy-VSS OR Check-VM OR Create-MultipleSessions OR Run-EXEonRemote OR Port-Scan OR Remove-PoshRat OR TexttoEXE OR Base64ToString OR StringtoBase64 OR Do-Exfiltration OR Parse_Keys OR Add-Exfiltration OR AddPersistence OR Remove-Persistence OR Find-PSServiceAccounts OR Discover-PSMSSQLServers OR DiscoverPSMSExchangeServers OR Discover-PSInterestingServices OR Discover-PSMSExchangeServers OR DiscoverPSInterestingServices OR Mimikatz OR powercat OR powersploit OR PowershellEmpire OR Payload OR GetProcAddress) 

Page 85 from https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/hunting-the-known-unknowns-the-powershell-edition.pdf

Source: Page 84 and 85 from https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/hunting-the-known-unknowns-the-powershell-edition.pdf

Windows Persistence Map v0.1

Mitres Att&ck framework writes about persistence TA0003 : " The adversary is trying to maintain their foothold. "  There are m...