Mitre D3fend Framework - Att&ck from a defenders perspective

Mitre published another awesome framework called

Mitre D3fend

It is using the att&ck framework but from a defenders perspective :-) 

D3fend Att&ck relationship

Confluence behind LoadBalancer with another domain results in XSRF error

If you have an atlassian confluence running, which is published by a loadbalancer or reverse proxy using another domain, you might run into an XSRF error.


Confluence FQDN: somehostname.domain.tld
LoadBalancer Confluence FQDN: confluence.domain.tld

Some actions like uploading your profile picture (https://confluence.domain.tld/users/profile/editmyprofilepicture.action) do not work. You'll receive an generic error from the confluence page (see red box of the screenshot below). If you check the HTTP Header response, you'll see XSRF check failed. It is caused by the confluence cross site request forgery (CSRF) protection.

Confluence XSRF Error


Edit confluence server.xml and add the FQDN from the LoadBalancer or reverse proxy.

More information can be found here:

Filter logs in Splunk - example filtering monitor probe checks

When running Splunk you want to filter logs, for example to get rid of the many health check probe querys from your monitoring system. Examp...