Restore CHK files

I just had to restore many broken CHK files of a SD card from a hidden FOUND.000 folder. The program "unchk.exe" helped me: As described I had to install the Microsoft Visual Basic 5 Runtime because of an "MSVBM50.dll not found" error, which can be downloaded from Microsoft.

I checked and noticed, that all the big files of the broken SD card were restored by unchk.exe as *.WRI files. However they actually were AVI video files which can be opened with VLC video player, which I didn't know at that time.

When checking unchk.exe with Sysinternals Process Explorer, I've noticed the description says "Identifies and renames CHK files":

So I simply renamed the bigger files from *.CHK to *.AVI using the following powershell-script and it worked fine:

Powershell CHK files to AVI:
Dir *.CHK | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($, "AVI") }

Powershell WRI (from unchk.exe) files to AVI:
Dir *.WRI | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($, "AVI") }

=> ✅ VLC Video LAN Player was able to open the files
=> ✅ You can directly open the CHK files with VLC Video LAN Player (if they were video files in the first place)

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